Removal of pesticides from our produce is necessary
Pesticides are everywhere-on organic foods, near schools and playgrounds, on affordable produce. We must learn how to best live with them at this stage. As technology shifts, we may have even more to tackle- so being in practice of simple reduction in pesticides from our produce, we will more prepared for the next needed steps to maintain and protect our heath. Pesticides are known carcinogens and nervous system/brain, hormones disruptors. They are impacting our longevity-aka our healthy time with our loved ones, our quality of life, and all aspects of our body. Knowing this, here are small ways to support your body.
First, eat a variety of fruits and vegetables to minimize the potential of increased exposure to a single pesticide.
Thoroughly wash all produce, even that which is labeled organic and that which you plan to peel.
Wash your produce under running water rather than soaking or dunking it.
Dry produce with a clean cloth towel or paper towel when possible.
Scrub firm fruits and vegetables, like melons and root vegetables.
Discard the outer layer of leafy vegetables, such as lettuce or cabbage.
Peel fruits and vegetables when possible.
Trim fat and skin from meat, poultry, and fish to minimize pesticide residue that may accumulate in the fat.
Read the above article for utilizing baking soda for a quick way to reduce certain pesticides and understand these noted best practices.
With love,