Meal Prep plan for one week

No thinking is amazing-am I right? Let me resolve the issue of “What do I cook” for you.

As an Integrative Health practitioner healing digestive issues and bringing ease to holistic living-you will often hear me say “Get boring” when it comes to food. This instantly triggers everyone’s alter foodie ego. I see you and hear you. You can have both-simplistic, healthy eating that supports your long-term health goals and actually enjoy your food.

Start simple and as you go, you can add in more elaborate recipes-the goal is to know how to cook for yourself in a way that does not contribute to inflammation in the body, still enjoy what you are making and also not have to spend tons of energy figuring it out!

La Poule au pot

  • 2 hours

  • Last 3 days and gives overflow of broth for other recipes

  • 4-5 bowls of chicken/broth veggies (great for lunch/dinner

  • Tips: remove garlic/onion for gut issues; don’t skip star anise; try with other veggies like butternut squash!

Buckwheat pumpkin pancakes

  • 30-60 minutes

  • Cook all at once and freeze leftovers for a quick reheat brekky/snack/side

  • Tips: Vegan egg is a chia egg use butter or Ghee if desired;

Overnight oats or chia pudding

  • 15 minutes

  • Lasts 3-5 days in refrigerator

  • Great brekky/snack option

  • Make 3 on Monday and Thursday-your week is covered


  • Use for brekky/Lunch/Dinner

  • Lasts 5 days in refrigerator and freezes well into small portions

  • Can last all week

  • Tips: use Zenb pasta for added protein and add when you plate versus in to whole pot; for upset tummies replace garlic/onion with fennel; us goat cheese if dairy sensitive or skip it

Roasted Veggies

  • Roast a variety of veggies one night and enjoy as sides for 4 days

  • Tip for longevity: roast plain and have olive oil raw on top versus cooking in oil

Veggie Paella

  • Cook once and freeze in portion sizes for sides to last a month is the best

  • Lasts in refrigerator 3-4 days

  • Tips: Freeze leftovers; ski[ garlic/onion for upset tummies; sherry not super important

Slow cooked beef

  • One night, you can slow cook a roast in slowcooker or oven and use throughout the week

  • Chateau Briand is an amazing piece of meat often sold cheaper that offers filet mignon and roast pieces.

  • Lasts 4 days in refrigerator

  • Tips: Chateau Briand best seared

Asian inspired soups

  • Reuse Le poule au pot broth, add rice noodles and some beef/veggies-an easy, nourishing lunch or dinner any night

Meal plan example


Brekky: Smoothie then Chia Pudding

Lunch: Enjoy any meal

Dinner: Le Poule au pot bowl


Brekky: Smoothie + Buckwheat pancakes with goat cheese

Lunch: Le Poule au pot bowl

Dinner: Minestrone


Brekky: Smoothie + Overnight Oats

Lunch: Le Poule au pot bowl

Dinner: Roast and veggies


Brekky: Smoothie + Chia Pudding

Lunch: Le Poule au pot bowl

Dinner: Asian style soup with roast + broth + desired items


Brekky: Smoothie + Buckwheat pancakes

Lunch: Minestrone

Dinner: Roast with Veggies


Brekky: Smoothie + Overnight oats

Lunch: Minestrone

Dinner: Roast with Paella on side


Brekky: Smoothie + Chia pudding

Lunch: Minestrone/Asian inspired soup/Paella

Dinner: Roast with Veggies

This is a simple small menu-adding in just one or more items will give you a surplus that you can freeze items for later and have more variety in one week.

Karena Kalinuk