"End-of-Year Zen: Crafting a Sustainable Health Plan for Stress-Free Success"
9.4.24 10am PST
Recording available
Let’s remove the stress of the new year now
As we head into a new season, end of year, holidays and then before we know it-2025-I want to support you in removing the stress and worry from feeling well and living your dream life.
I want you to have lasting transformation once and for all.
You’re invited to get ahead of the winter hibernation, so you can actually embrace + enjoy it. We want to start habit change now, while our systems are still active, warm and lively. Then when blankets, sleep and tea call us-we will have our hygge and a plan ready.
Lifestyle changes you can initiate now
How to maximize the end of the year for real change in 2025
Stress reduction techniques for this intense transitional time of year from October-March
A plan to avoid overwhelm, initiating incremental change
How we can work together to FINALLY move the needle for chronic symptoms
Register today for this free workshop to change your health now and forever.