What is Multireflexology?

Honoring Dien Chan and Dien Chan Zone methodologies

A form of recognized healthcare in rural Vietnam-Dien Chan is used to beautify while offering homeostasis to our entire system of interconnectedness.

Multireflexology is different than acupuncture, acupressure and even of some more known methods of reflexology. The foundation is built from Traditional Chinese Medicine, Reflexology and Vietnamese culture. We are working with some of the same points used in TCM as well as many others. For example, in TCM there are 20-25 points typically used on the face whereas in Dien Chan, there are over 200. The difference comes from us not working directly with the meridian system such as TCM, but with with reflex diagrams.

A reflex diagram shows a reflection of a specific body system on various areas of the face. These maps overlap-honoring the ties between our muscles, tendons, bones, organs, emotions, trauma, joys, etc. While massaging these points, we will experience various sensations and experience change overtime in both what we see on the face and what we feel in the body and mind.

Dien Chan Zone is an extended form of the modality based in Italy that stems form the same Vietnamese Professor, but passed through another teacher. Depending if we are working with Dien Chan or Dien Chan Zone, we may utilize more reflex diagrams or more specific points and techniques.

This is a practice that can grow and change with you as you progress. We can begin by simply honoring sensations with no knowledge of what they mean. We can choose to go for a specific goal, honor yin and yang properties of TCM, work with the elements and emotions associated with organs in TCM as well as combine all of the above.

The practice is intuitive-we honor what comes up as we work. There are no mistakes-we don’t have to understand everything that we experience as we go, but we do need to trust. This can be a service to learn more about yourself as well as address what you do know. Our bodies will only use what is needed.

Your time spent in this treatment can be spiritual as well. It is a time to tune into all that is around you and how it shows within you; and vice versa. As within, so without is a pillar of this process.

Multireflexology is multi-faceted with a spectrum of benefits ranging from “get rid of this line on my face” to “I have transcended my temple and am made of stardust”

Start exploring to see where you want to go today

With love,


Karena Kalinuk