Detox experience Days 8-14

Week 2 done!

At this point, I had the habits engrained in me:

Morning shake, in 3.5 hours-vegetarian lunch, in 3.5 hours-shake, in 3.5 hours dinner, drink herbal tea in between. Outside of the nutrient schedule; sleep well, reduce stress, take note of changes and what is happening in my body. Although I had the system becoming a part of my life-my friends knew what I needed and were supportive, I started to venture outside of the comforts of my own kitchen, etc. I was also experiencing some challenges AKA The beauty of the work.

Days 8-9 Optional fasting days

I chose to fast for one day as the fasting is very difficult for me and I got through two days of it on week 1. I added blueberries to my shakes in order to avoid low blood sugar. My body type typically runs on a highly charged nervous system, so this adjustment is recommended for me and proved very helpful. It was not as hard to detox this time, but still a mild challenge. I felt tired but did not need to literally sleep the entire day. I did still experience some light brain fog and slower thinking.

On Day 9, it seemed I had started my cycle which turned out to be an irregularity. I share this because this is something that can happen and not to cause alarm. A few days later, the cycle started and was a healthy cycle. Overall, it actually felt empowering to do a detox day!!

Days 10-14

With a flow of meals down, what to get at the grocery store, this week was so much easier. I noticed that my skin reaction to my cycle was completely different and fascinating-just light congestion on the nose area which is directly related to the reproductive system. Not the usual redness and pimples I am privy to. Back to TMI, but my digestion this week was the best it has ever been in my entire life. I fully experienced how our body is supposed to digest food-I could time it, that is how well this went. If you have ever experienced gut issues, this is a very beautiful and again, empowering accomplishment.

To my disappointment, I still have some work to do. I had serious food cravings given my cycle was coming-this is a newer symptom in my life that I am looking to regulate. This detox has reminded me to explore more deeply what is causing PMS symptoms.

What I learnt from these cravings ( and two mishaps) was just how bad snacking and sugar feel to the body. The snacking takes away the time in between meals for your body to properly digest and adds extra work for your entire system. My results were bloating, discomfort, headaches, and imperfect digestion. Not to mention, my craving was not satiated-so entirely pointless. A lesson I hope that you learn from me and do not repeat. Do not snack on the detox-follow the rules and it will work wonders for you. After making the mistakes, it was easier to stay on track.

Heading into week 3, I am actually feeling sad that it will end soon. I am loving knowing that my decisions are decisive, grounded, well-informed and beneficial. The impacts are all positive. This positivity is showing up in my relationships with loved ones, my environment, my decisions, and my confidence. I am hoping to shed some fears in week 3 that do not serve me.

I am looking forward to coming out of this with clear tools on how to live a more balanced lifestyle that prevents aging without good health.

Ever grateful,


Karena Kalinuk