Functional medicine detox-What is it?

Summary of this detox process: Give your body the nutriets it needs while mobilizing toxins stored in fats and supporting natural liver processes.

Systemic outcomes: Blood is cleaned (food proteins, pesticides, chemicals in water, etc. accumulating). Fat stores toxins-mobilization of these. Detox pathways working optimally-Liver, kidneys, lungs, skin. Allow your body to remove toxic exposures more quickly avoiding oxidation in the body which can lead to disease.

How do I feel after a Detox? Energized. Clear thinking. Glowing skin. Weight loss. Diminished/reduced salt/sugar cravings. Balanced blood sugar. Healthy eating habits are formed. Hydration rituals implemented and improved. Food tastes more flavorful. Improved mood.

Having suffered from acne (starting on my forehead at 9 years old w/o an early onset cycle), subpar digestion as far as I can remember, brainfog, joint pain, mood regulation difficulty; knowing how to support my body with Detoxing in differnt forms is a gift. It is one of my favorite gifts to share-please learn more here.

A functional medicine detox deems the word “detox” true versus a buzz word. Dr. Stephen Cabral’s Functional Medicine Detox simplifies and makes the entire process less scary. A tidy kit comes in the mail that includes instructions, a shopping list, a Daily Nutritional Protein,Vitamin, electrolyte and mineral all-in-1, Ayurvedic blend supplements and Functional Medicine blend supplements.

Days 1-2 are (optional) fasting days to give the body a real break; to stop using 30% of its energy to digest food, in order to truly clean up shop. If you are nervous about the side effects, blood sugar levels, giving up coffee or weight loss-there are adjustments for every person’s needs. During these days, you will consume 4 shakes, supplements twice daily, and 80-100 g. of H2O (without thinking-it’s built in). Others may have additional ingredients if adjustments are made such as berries, greens, coconut milk.

Days 3-7 are 2 daily shakes, supplements twice daily, a vegetarian lunch and a healthy dinner. Guidelines are given on foods to incorporate into your meal and how much. You will need to focus more on your water consumption these days as you have less smoothies automatically giving you the needed intake. Herbal teas are like dessert and help curb cravings.

After you have completed one week-you begin a new kit and decide if you will do 0, 1 or 2 fasting days to begin the new week.

Short term discomfort can bring long term results. A state of Autophagy (self-eating) is activated and clears brain pathways, infections, inflammation, boosts energy, improves sleep, boosts digestion. Toxins being stored in the adipose tissues are eliminated and a phase of making these toxins water soluble helps to clean out the liver and kidney pathways while aiding the digestive system. When we begin to experience the 6 phases of homotoxicology-we become out of balance and change in subtle ways. We begin to think this is just how we are—slow thinking, cannot resist cravings, cannot wake up without coffee, cannot lose the weight—the truth is our bodies are struggling to eliminate some type of stressor properly and it is causing our bodies further disruption that can eventually lead to disease. Clearing these pathways and lessening our toxic load results in weight loss (from lessening inflammation, NOT caloric reduction), clearer thinking, improved skin, comfortable digestion, awareness of our bodies, a deeper connection to our food and our lifestyle. We are all battling a huge toxic load with the state of our food industry, cosmetic industry and the environment. Detoxes can be done 7 days quarterly to assist the system and 21 days as the initial. If 21 days is too much-it is not required. 80% better is still amazing!!

A proper detox is beneficial for many people, yet may be contraindicated for some. Those who are pregnant, nursing, underweight, have gall bladder issues and diabetes should check in with your health coach and medical team prior to this journey.

I offer a 14 day and 28 day program to support you through the detox for t7 or 21 days with 7 days if integration support and include lifestyle support to give you the best results and support.

With Love,
