Functional Medicine Annual protocol regimen
Longevity, longterm youth, healing chronic issues at the root.
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Lifestyle is the number one factor which requires honesty and awareness for longterm change.
Habits + choices in eating, hydration, sleep, connection + community, listening to our desires, relationship choices and engagement.
Then we look at what stressors are keeping you from beneficial lifestyle habits?
Impaired cellular function due to mineral imbalances or depletion -these are the nutrients that spark our cells into action as well as get depleted, used up by our body trying to manage stressed states.
Malfunctioning Digestion- Not entirely a root cause but an area that if we heal will serve positively all systems in the body. Motility issues, microflora balance, digestive strength (breakdown + nutrient absorption)
Parasites/pathogenic bacteria/Mold-These are the ones we can normally fight off but with impairment, prolonged exposure and essentially an impaired immune system -we lose the battle and they create waste that leave inflammatory markers within different areas of our body-flooding the entire system at times.
A nervous system that only has one gear-Type A, driven, controlling, anxious, nervous, angry and so on—-these types of regular human experiences that overtime become detrimental without their counterparts at the table will deplete and inflame.
I offer an entire program to support lifestyle because it is such a large part of the puzzle and makes anything else you invest in actually work. This article is about a regimen through Functional Medicine that you can add on once you have the lifestyle part dialed in in a way that works for you.
Removing Pollutants
This is the nutrient stack the moves toxins out of the liver, reducing the burden and supporting mitochondrial health. This is also the “RESET” used by 100’s to get back on track. It incorporates optional supported fasting to allow for rest and autophagy (killing off of cells that would be better off this way..)
Option 1 is taking a daily approach
Option 2 is best done 7 days up to 4 x per year (quarterly)
Ideally you do a 21 ay detox as your first time and 7 days thereafter
If you only feel comfortable doing 7 days-you will still benefit
Example Schedule for Quarterly 7 days: January, April, July, October
Post travel clean up
Parasites are a trend and something we do all get exposure to. I like to think of getting ahead of them versus waiting to find out if we have them. Using gentle enzymes and herbals, you can make sure you are not battling living, opportunistic organisms in your system, can worry less once you have had sushi, completed foreign foodie travel or cleaned the litter box for 20 years.
Beating the toxic world
Exposure to heavy metals is difficult to do. We have exposure from sources all over and it is near impossible to pinpoint where you might be getting exposed at this time. A Heavy Metal detox is something you can do once annually to ensure you are keeping clean. You will read below about a mineral test which will also test for heavy metals, so you can choose to do this without a test as a maintenance approach or wait until you test.
Get ahead of imbalance
Minerals and their ratios are the sparks that ignite cellular function. The relationships are so intricate they are the alchemy of healthcare-truly remarkable and infinite what they offer us. This is one test to do annually as we do best knowing what we need to balance versus guessing.
The lab shows exposure to heavy metals and imbalances form the last 90 days through a hair sampling (not visible or stressful like it sounds). We are able to accurately target and heal within 16 weeks what is being depleted. You will know how your zinc and copper, calcium/magnesium are playing together. We can tell the state and stages of stress and metabolism-major markers of health and wellbeing by seeing what the body is using up.
Optional annual D3 test
Vitamin D3 is game changing for hormone and immunity but is often depleted. A simple, inexpensive lab completed 1-2 x per year to make sure you know if you need more sun exposure/supplementation is supportive.
I think of the following as Health Insurance. These are the things that can help support your body down to a cellular level and change your health overtime. You will be able to live from a proactive state versus trying to fix, find and recover all year or for decades.
An example annual schedule:
January Minerals Metals Lab
January 7 day detox
April7 day detox
June 7 day detox
October 7 day detox
November Parasite Cleanse
With Love,