Support your body in cleansing pesticides, plastics, and PFAS.
Exposure is near inevitable at this time.
We can minimize our exposure through lifestyle changes like avoiding packaged foods, using water filters, buying organic, etc. and we want to mobilize and remove what we have been exposed to previously and deal with in our daily life.
Previous exposures can live within our tissues inside elaborate, intelligent biofilm structures, avoiding removal as well as overburdening our natural detox pathways causing buildup despite our best efforts. This is why simple juice cleanses, as amazing as they are , do not get our health to the next level past the week we do them.
I will now share some bite size tips on how to remove these toxins from your body in a way that works for your lifestyle, finances and level of commitment.
Level 1 - Lymphatic Drainage
Lymphatic Brush, Lymph Compound and Dr. Perry’s Big 6 Lymph Reset
Short time commitment
Remove puffiness, blackheads, skin dullness
Increase immunity
Decrease fatigue, stiffness
A lifestyle change that can be done with anything else
Level 2-Daily Detox Protocol
Phase II liver detoxification and a binder for removal. Amplify your liver’s ability to remove toxins slowly over time. Can be used ongoing or as week long support protocol
Easy to implement into your day
Increase energy, mental clarity, skin glow + hydration
Reduce inflammation on all levels
Prepare for other protocols like Gut healing
Incorporate fasting for cell autophagy to avoid dis-eased states later
Reconnect to what it is to feel well
Increase energy, mental clarity, glow, immunity
Decrease fatigue, brain fog, cravings
Rebalance blood sugar
Change your eating habits
Begin a longterm health journey/lifestyle with big wins
Lose inflammatory weight 3-15 lbs.
These options allow you to maintain a supported liver, kidney, skin and lymphatic system. This practice alone can change the trajectory of your epigenetics that are “turned on” and how long you live well. It can also get you started if you are in a place far from where you want to be at this time-you can get there and supporting removal of toxins from your body is step 1.
With love,